My biggest lessons of 2022
Dec 22, 2022
As the year of 2022 draws to a close, I have started to reflect on what I have learnt this year. It’s so tempting to start thinking of the year ahead, without reflecting on how far you have come already.
A year can be filled with so much. Life is not perfect, there is no such thing.
However, as my clients will be used to hearing me say, there is also no such thing as failure - just feedback. Instead of focusing on what we feel has gone wrong with the last year, let’s reflect on what we have learnt, what we have been reminded of and how we have grown.
My biggest lessons of 2022 have been:
- I can feel/be both vulnerable and strong at the same time - two seemingly opposing feelings can co-exist within me.
- People’s actions are so much louder than their words. Including my own. It’s easy to say nice things, it takes effort to show it.
- It’s ok to slow down sometimes. Listening to what I need and prioritising both my mental and physical health has helped me so much this year.
- To lean into the people that show up for me, to put my time and energy into those that really care. To nurture those special people.
- To listen to myself more. I have always been prone to people pleasing and always adapting to others. While I still think an element of this is really important for me, I have made a conscious effort to consider my needs to.
- I am stronger than I realised. And I think we all probably are.
- The signs are always there, you just need to follow them. I spent years lacking direction and now that I am doing something that I love, I realise all the signs were within me all along and what was once such a struggle it feels so obvious now.
- Mind-reading others can be our own worst enemy. Don’t assume the worst. The stories in our minds are often so much worse than reality.
- Truly listening is a gift that we don’t give to one another enough. Especially listening without judgement. It is magic.
- Coaching and supporting others has really highlighted to me how we are all doing our best to navigate through life. It can be really tough. We don’t get it right all the time and that’s okay. Sometimes when it feels like others ‘deserve’ your grace and kindness the least, is actually really when they need it the most.
What have been your biggest lessons from this year? Will you create your own list? What have you learnt from 2022?
If you would like some support with going into your 2023, I recommend that you book a connection call with me via my website where we can chat about how I may be able to support you and if I am the right fit for what you are looking for.
Sohaila x