What will you be taking with you into the new year? What 2022 has taught me.
Dec 28, 2022
2022 has been a journey.
And just like that, another year is coming to a close.
While during 2022 we have seen significant unease in many countries around the world, it has also been the year that we have started to find some normality in our daily lives again after two years of facing a pandemic and the aftermath of it.
Collectively, we have had some time to reflect and place more value on our mental wellbeing and resilience.
As one year draws to a close and another opens up, I have been reflecting on this past year - the learnings, the challenges, the successes and the setbacks. You may have seen my post on social media about my biggest lessons learnt this year, if you haven’t you can check that out here.
This funny thing called life gives us so much. With highs, there are lows, with ups there are downs and with positives there are negatives. We get to choose what we focus on and what we nurture.
A few of my personal 2022 highlights have included finding out I am going to become an aunty for the first time, having one of my closest friends from Australia come to visit, developing deeper connections with my clients through our exploration and honesty, and sharing my message and meeting some wonderful and like-minded people from speaking at events and within organisations.
If you haven’t already, I really recommend you taking a few moments to reflect on your year too. There is so much we forget when we are on auto-pilot.
What have your personal highlights been?
After taking some time to reflect, I then started to think about the year ahead and wanted to share some questions with you that you may choose to use for your own planning/writing/thinking/visualising…
What do you want from 2023?
Really connect to this.
Get it all out in detail if you can.
Think about what you want to be,
what you want to do
what you want to have
this coming year
and then ask yourself the following questions….
Who do I need to be so that this can happen?
What things should stay the same?
What needs to change?
What do I choose to take with me from 2022?
What do I need to leave behind?
What’s my first step?
Once you've figured out your first step towards the 2023 that you desire, I would love to hear it.
If you would like to start the New Year with some coaching support, there are three ways I can support you. Links below.
1:1 ongoing monthly support
Two coaching sessions
to kickstart the New Year
Self-Study - Coach Yourself package
Feel free to reach out to me anytime, with any questions.
Happy New Year. Here's to 2023.